Finally, in a matter of days or weeks, wherever you live in these 50 states, you can wash those face masks, pack ’em away for the next killer virus, burn them or donate them to the forthcoming Anthony Fauci “Do as I Say Not as I Do” Museum. Suddenly it seems the scourge of 2020 and part of 2021 will soon be just another dark chapter in history. Why, because people are getting vaccinated! Sort
I’ve been a baseball fan since my little league days, and at the big-league level, the game has changed and not for the better. Though they are better nourished and probably in better shape than the players I followed back when LBJ pitched for the Washington Senators, well at least on opening day, today’s players are comparative wimps. The New York Mets, my team, lead the national league east in games won and players injured.
I suppose the cost would be prohibitive, but I’ve come to the conclusion that the United States would be better served by ringing in the borders, not with any kind of fencing but a large, padded wall, the kind they have in hospital psych wards and Mental Institutions, because as a nation we are going nuts. Yes, the Pandemic was a game changer. Thanks to politicians and Dr. Flip Flop, er Fauci, we shut down
Ever ask yourself this question. In a country of 330 million people, why do we settle for such mediocrity in the people we elect to lead us? Joe Biden, is not now nor ever will be anything special. Oh yes, he’ll go down in history like the 40 some men who preceded him as Leader of The Free World, but he’s no Reagan, Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt or Harry Truman. Maybe he slides in between Millard
The year was 1987. I was on a 9-day, 10 city road trip covering the first visit to the U-S by the wonderful Pope John Paul for CBS News. All sorts of interesting things happened on that trip. I was blessed by the Pope many times as he celebrated mass in Miami, New Orleans, San Francisco and 7 other cities. On a pre-dawn assignment to meet The Pope in Monterey, I met the then Mayor